Ufahamu Africa
Ufahamu Africa is a podcast about life and politics on the African continent, co-hosted by Kim Yi Dionne, professor of political science at the University of California, Riverside, and Rachel Beatty Riedl, professor of government at Cornell University. Each Saturday, a new episode highlights what is happening in the news, followed by an interview with a diverse thinker or innovator who is deeply ingrained in the life, culture, and politics of the continent.
Ufahamu Africa
Ep. 189: Paul Friesen on Local Democratic Resilience
We're wrapping up our panel on democracy from the African Studies Association with a presentation from Paul Friesen on local democratic resilience under national autocracy. Friesen is a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University, part of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies's Democratic Threats and Resilience research team.
His research and teaching interests focus on democratization, elections, political parties, and political behavior in sub-Saharan Africa.
Find the books, links, and articles we mentioned in this episode on our website, ufahamuafrica.com.