Ufahamu Africa

Ep. 78: A conversation with Kathleen Klaus on land and politics in East Africa and beyond

Kathleen Klaus Episode 78

We start this week's newswrap talking about Russian interference in African elections using Facebook, Rose Mutiso's TED talk about energy poverty in Africa, identification card politics in northeastern Nigeria, and more.

Our guest this week is Kathleen Klaus (@KathleenKlaus), an assistant professor of politics at the University of San Francisco. Her book, Political Violence in Kenya: Land, Elections, and Claim-Making, is in production at Cambridge University Press, expected to be published in 2020. Kathleen’s award-winning research has focused on land rights and political violence and Ufahamu Africa listeners may remember that she was our guest in Episode 28, helping us to understand the then recently announced decision by the Kenyan Supreme Court to nullify the 2017 presidential elections. Rachel sat down with Kathleen when she was at Cornell University earlier this month presenting some of her new research on refugee settlement and the politics of land in Uganda. Their conversation begins at 13:11.

Find the books, links, and articles we mentioned in this episode on our website, ufahamuafrica.com.

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